Kaitlyn and Tyler got a hold of me after I shot their friends Kristen and Spencer's engagements (which you can see here) and if you follow me on snapchat you know how worried I was about the weather the night of Kaitlyn and Tyler's engagement. It had been raining on and off all day and 20 mins before the engagements it poured down HARD. But as I got closer and closer the skies cleared more and more until... perfection. We couldn't have planed a better time and place if we had tried. Kaitlyn and Tyler both said, if it rains were not made of salt we wont melt which is the absolute best attitude to have. I think it's safe to say that the weather was not only in our favor but it provided one INCREDIBLE backdrop for Kaitlyn and Tyler's engagement photos!
Kaitlyn & Tyler's CoxHall Garden Engagement Video
Tell me you wouldn't hang this on your wall!