Scotty & Abby's Downtown Indy Engagements

I'm always worried showing up to a location I've never been to.

Will it be interesting? Will the light be good? What will we find while we walk around? I love showcasing the environment as much as I do the couples I shoot, I think that sets me apart from a lot of other photographers. Finding things that are visually interesting is important to me. Part of being a wedding photographer is taking poor locations and turning them into something beautiful with camera angles, lens choice, and blocking. This session was a perfect example. Very urban, brick, concrete, asphalt. But every so often I could find a patch of green, a branch, some Ivy, a bush, and use them for blocking. This was a challenging engagement session turned home run. I'm in love with how it turned out, and Im love with Scotty and Abby for being such great sports with even better attitudes! 

Scotty and Abby's engagement photography slideshow by Indianapolis Wedding Photographer RHatfield Photography SnapChat: RHatfieldPhoto

Be Sure To Follow Me On Facebook and Instagram for more Great Photos and Snapchat for a behind the scenes look!

And if You haven't checked out my "5 Secrets To Getting Natural Engagement Photos" CLICK HERE to get it now!