This was my first time using a 360 camera at a wedding. It was both incredibly fun and equally terrifying. When I showed up to Ben and Erika's wedding they didn't know I was bringing the new camera but once I told them about it, they were all in! (If you two are reading this, your'e rockstars! Thank you!)
There are a lot of things I learned shooting a 360 wedding video. First is, I really need to figure out what lens is the front and what one is the back to make editing easier. This camera looks like a tiny eyeball but with a lens on both sides. It's madness.
It almost looks like something out of Terminator.
Shooting with the little camera was also terrifying because... Well I didn't know how to use it. I don't mean I didn't read the manual and I know how to operate a camera of course but on a deeper level I had no idea how to best use this camera. You wouldn't post your Youtube videos to Snapchat, or your Twitter status on your Instagram because they have their own strengths that need to be played to. 360 wedding videography is the same. You cant just put the camera on a tripod to record everything and walk away. So this wedding was about figuring out how to best use this new medium. I put it in some craaaazy places. Like a chandelier to see if you could get a fly on the wall feel I was going for (no by the way. It just feels like your'e hanging from the ceiling).
Im excited to see how I can best use this beautiful camera in the future at more weddings.
NOTE: For the time being I believe Google Chrome is the only browser to support 360 video. If your'e on a phone use the YouTube app and you will have full functionality to move the phone around to see everything around you!