Kyle & Michelle's Woodsy Outdoor Wedding

Last weekend I was worried for Kyle and Michelle's wedding. Ya see all week it seemed like no weather man within 100 miles had any idea if the weather was going to hold out for their outdoor wedding. Everyday I would check my phone for the latest update. Monday said its gonna be sunny and beautiful, wednesday they called for a monsoon, friday there was just a question mark. Sunday morning came and I looked outside and just like the last report it was anyones guess what the weather would do. 

I got my cameras and bags ready, headed out the door and wished for the best. After about an hour with the girls while they were getting their hair and makeup done I looked outside and saw the tiniest hint of blue. From that moment on it seemed like with each passing second that small patch of blue got larger and larger. 

We showed up to Mounds State park and as I was getting out of my car, I saw everyone else getting out of their cars and leaving their jackets and coats. The sky was now not only blue but the sun was peeking out behind the clouds. 

The time had come to walk down the isle, look each other in the eyes, express how much they love each other, and say "I DO!" And once they had, the sun came out as if it had been waiting for the moment all day. 

It was now time to celebrate and enjoy everyones company weather worry free

Congratulation to Kyle and Michelle.

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