Wedding Photographer in Indianapolis IN

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Nick & Caylee's Winter 100 Acre Woods IMA Engagement

I don't think Ive ever made a worse impression than I did when I arrived to shoot Nick & Caylee's engagements, and called them by the wrong name. Complete brain fart. That's not me. You can ask any past couple and they will tell you that I do everything I can to make them feel like family. Shooting a wedding is an intimate relationship and I hate bad first impressions. But quickly as we walked through the 100 Acre Woods behind the Indianapolis Museum or Art we got to know each other well while huddling in close to stay warm in the freezing temps! Dewee their pup was just in heaven running around in the snow and luckily we had an amazing dog wrangler Emma who's engagements I shot last month in downtown Indy, help out when we didn't need his beautiful furry face. Nick and Caylee were troopers in the cold weather. No complaints and all smiles. The cold was worth it, these photos came out amazing! 

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