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How to Prepare For Your Engagement Session

You have planed When to take engagement photos and Where to take engagement photos, but before you step in front of the camera there are still a few more tips you should know to get the most out of your engagement session.

What to expect from your engagement session:

Your engagement session is the perfect opportunity to get to know your photographer better before the wedding. If you have hired a quality wedding photographer you will not need to worry about feeling awkward of uncomfortable in front of the camera. And if you are worried about that, you are not alone. In my time photographing over 100 Indianapolis couples they have all said the exact same thing. At the end of the session they are shocked at how fast time flew by and surprised at how comfortable they felt in front of the camera. You and your photographer will most likely be walking around a specific area talking about your wedding and when the photographer sees something interesting, they will stop you and give you some light direction of how to stand. I have my couples interact with each other through a set of questions geared to getting you two to open up and forget the camera is there. By the end of the session my number one goal is to make sure you two had fun and now feel closer than ever.

What to wear for engagement photos?

First and foremost you should wear something you are comfortable in. When you feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera, it will show. An outfit that is a solid neutral color will be more flattering than something bright with busy patterns. Then pick an outfit for your partner following the same guide but opt for some something that complements rather than matches. You two are not twins, no need to dress like it. Lastly pick one accessory that will stand out. A necklace or bracelet are perfect. More and more couples are using a rental subscription like Amazon Wardrobe that lets them rent multiple outfits for engagement session and return what you don't want to keep, all from the comfort of your own home.

Think about Hair and Makeup:

Your engagement session is the perfect opportunity to get a hair and makeup trial done to see exactly how your look will photograph. Compile a list of ideas and bring it to your makeup artist and talk about what you are going for. For your engagement session try to shoot for slightly less makeup than you will on your wedding as it’s easier to turn it up on the day than it is to turn it down. Also as many wedding make up artists will tell you, use SPF free makeup when taking photos as it can make skin look more pale because of how it interacts with some light.

Can we bring our dog to our engagement session?

Absolutely! If your fur baby is a member of the family you can absolutely bring your four legged friend to your engagement session. From experience I can tell you it is very helpful to bring a friend along who can hold on to the pup while you two take some more romantic and intimate photos together. Pro tip, take the pup on a walk to to the dog park before the session to let out some wound up energy!

Should we bring Props?

I love the idea of making your engagement photos as personal as possible. If you two have something that you share that means a lot to your relationship like a favorite book then by all means bring it! I have found that once a couple brings more than 1 prop it can become cumbersome carrying and keeping track of the items. Remember your engagement photos are a reflection of your relationship and does not have to include a vintage picnic complete with chevron paper straws and vintage wire birdcage.

What time of day to take engagement photos?

As a photographer my number 1 tool is light. If you have ever taken a photo with a lens cap on, you know how important light is. Because of this it is generally best to start engagement photos an hour and a half before sunset when the sun is low in the sky. Because of this timing is everything. Try to prepare for possible traffic or road conditions to ensure we can start on time and get the best engagement photos possible.

See More: Complete Wedding Planning Guide!

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