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Can Take Care of These 5 Wedding Stressers Now

When you think about your wedding day, it’s this magical event where you are surrounded by friends, family, love, and everything goes perfect. But let’s face it, it’s a long road there. Planning your wedding can be more stressful than we would like to admit. But it’s all about keeping a level head and reminding yourself that at the end of the day, as long as you say “I do” everything else is extra. And extra shouldn't be stressful. It should be fun. Do these 5 things to prepare and exactly 87.6% of your wedding stress will be immediately eliminated.

1: Exercise

I don’t know about you but I always feel like I’m too busy to go to the gym, however when I leave the gym I am more calm and can think much clearer about tough decisions. Like choosing between Wedding Cake or Wedding Pies. On top of being able to make decisions earlier you will also feel more comfortable and confident on your wedding day from sweating out the stress!

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2: Don’t Invite People You Don’t Like

Don’t invite people you are just cordial to. Don’t invite people you haven’t talked to in a while. Even if you want to reconnect with someone you haven’t talked to in a while, a wedding is not the place to do that where they will only see you for a few minutes and have to spend the rest of their time with strangers. Plus on average, here in Indiana each additional guest will cost you $137. Cut just 10 people off your list and you just paid for all of those delicious tropical drinks on your honeymoon!

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3: Understand Something Will Go Wrong

It’s inevitable. No matter how much planning you do, someone will get lost, or forget the custom dress hanger, or buy coors lite instead of some delicious sun king or upland beers. The sooner you realize that the small details, in the whole scope of things will not change your wedding day the easier it will be for you to enjoy your wedding day.

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4: Consider A Day Of Coordinator to Fight the Fires

Like if the Caterer ends up not bringing enough food to feed your guests or if the Cake Bakery calls and says they didn't realize that your reception is just out of their delivery zone and they can't deliver the cake so someone else needs to come and get it, only to find out they won't release the cake because the person you sent didn't have the receipt. These things, you dont need to worry about on your wedding day and can easily be handled by someone else.

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5: Buy Your Dress One Size Larger

We all have plans to get in shape for the big day but some of us like myself are stress eaters. And planning a wedding is stressful. There will be several late night taco bell runs while deciding on a venue or working pizza lunches while you run around town picking out the right flowers or getting your marriage certificate. And while you don’t plan on needing a larger dress, they can always be pulled in to size!

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That’s it! Ultimately your wedding day is about your relationship and not anyone else’s. So lead with your heart (I originally wrote gut but for some reason it looked to clinical on the screen but you get the point). If you are feeling pressure to make a decision, take a day to think on it and make the decision.

See More: Complete Wedding Planning Guide!

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